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What is Coverr Plus?

Coverr Plus is our premium subscription plan offering members exclusive access to high-quality stock footage, ad-free browsing, 4K video resolution, high-quality WAV format music, and other exciting features and enhancements.

How often does Coverr Plus add new content?

Our team curates and adds fresh, exclusive content to Coverr Plus every week, providing members with a constantly growing library of captivating footage and music tracks for their projects.

What does the ad-free experience entail?

With a Coverr Plus subscription, you can enjoy browsing our platform without any ads or sponsored content, allowing you to concentrate on selecting the perfect footage and music for your creative projects. If you prefer to leave these sponsored content recommendations, you can turn it on.

Is 4K footage and WAV music available for free users?

No, access to 4K video resolution and high-quality WAV format music is exclusively available to our Coverr Plus members.

How do I upgrade to Coverr Plus?

Simply click on "Get Coverr+" or "See Pricing" to view our subscription plans, choose the one that best suits your needs, and follow the steps to upgrade your account.

Can I cancel my Coverr Plus subscription anytime?

Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time. Once canceled, your subscription will remain active until the end of your current billing cycle.

What are the usage rights and restrictions for Coverr Plus content?

Coverr Plus content can be used for both personal and commercial projects. For more information on usage rights and restrictions, please refer to our terms of service and licensing agreements.

Can I share my Coverr Plus subscription with someone else?

No, Coverr Plus subscriptions are for single-user licenses only. Only the account owner has the right to use the content. A company can have an account, but it remains a single seat-license, meaning only one person can download and select content/use the content at a time, and it cannot be stored on a DAM for broad sharing rights.

Does my subscription automatically renew?

Yes, your Coverr Plus subscription will automatically renew at the end of each billing period. This ensures uninterrupted access to the features and content provided by Coverr Plus. However, you have the flexibility to cancel your subscription at any time before the renewal date.

What payment methods do you offer?

We offer various payment methods to make it convenient for you to subscribe to Coverr Plus. Currently, we accept major credit cards and PayPal.